Belle's Buds Successful Adoptions

A purebred Pyrenees puppy needed a new home due to a college student unable to keep. He was quickly picked up by BBR and just as quickly found his forever home by Perkins Family! May 24, 2019

Patches was rescued out of Harris County. We had asked Ginny to help transport him to our Petsmart Adoption Event. Little did we expect her to fall in love with him and take him home! Adopted May 23, 2019

Capri was adopted on Derby Day yet unfortunately returned. Our amazing foster JoAnn quickly agreed to foster and it was love at first sight and she said no way this dog is ever leaving! Adopted May 21, 2019

Rescued out of Harris County on Valentines Day 2019, he found his perfect forever home in Massachusetts by Nancy on May 22, 2019

Archie Bunker was a famous pup! Everyone wanted him but Ginger and her family were the lucky ones to adopt! Adopted May 20, 2019

Lucy was thrown out of a car resulting in two broken front legs. After helping her medically and mentally (she started out not trusting kids) she found her human... a kid... Payton! It was a foster fail that we couldn't have asked for a better happy ending! We surprised Payton with the adoption on May 17, 2019

One of Peggy Sue's hound puppies was adopted during the Petsmart Adoption Weekend by Starla on May 19, 2019

Last remaining Huskador found the PERFECT family on May 18, 2019 Congratulations to the Wybro family, we couldn't have asked for a better home for him!

Third Ward pup that found her forever home during adoption weekend by the Burmasters on May 18, 2019

One of Raine's puppies adopted by Dr. Newman (vet) on May 18, 2019

Kendall reached out to us wanting a pup and fell in love with sweet Lorenzo (one of Juliet's heeler pups). She adopted him May 13, 2019

Gracie was picked up as a stray by a previous adopter Christina. We didn't even have a chance to add her to our website when Teana & Kenedy reached out and said they want her! Adopted May 11, 2019

The Salazar family fell in love with Blue Belle during our Adoption Weekend Petsmart event. Their one requirement was to make sure their dog was ok with it. We set up a meet and greet and they took her home on May 21, 2019

A little girl was promised her own puppy if she made straight As. Her parents surprised her with Blue Belle on May 20, 2019

Deniesce came for one, left with two! Tri and Snoopy Jane were the perfect match for her and her family! Adopted May 12, 2019

Another foster success story! Kristen and Spencer took in Juliet and the Heeler pups to foster and knew they needed to keep sweet Tiny! March 9, 2019

Adopted by Katrhyn on May 27, 2019

Adopted by the Jackson Family on May 19, 2019

It was love at first for Brandey at our Derby Day Event Adopted May 9, 2019

Adopted by Marie and her wonderful family on May 11, 2019